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TickerMyMail helps you to keep on top of all the emails. As soon as a new email arrives in your inbox, you will be notified by a ticker tape running across your screen. You can delete spam without downloading it. Supports : POP3, IMAP4, MAPI, Hotmail and AOL
NewsAloud personal news agent from NextUp.com finds the stories you want, then reads them aloud in a natural, human sounding voice. Supports optional premium voices from AT&T, Cepstral and NeoSpeech.
Newsgroup Commander
Newsgroup Commander is the fastest way to find any information you're looking for in news group archives. The program allows the fastest email messages downloading from selected newsgroups.
Newsgroup Explorer
Newsgroup Explorer is the fastest way to find any information you're looking for in news group
archives. The program allows the fastest email messages downloading from selected newsgroups.
Судьба изменчива и меняется она обычно только к худшему. Эзоп
- чем занимается молодой еврей по ночам - сионизмом.
КУПЛЮ: писсуары под Гжель