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Newsgroups Post Master
Newsgroups Post Master With this powerful tool,You'll be able to bulk post a message to several (or thousands!) groups with the click of a button. Support txt/html post, multi projects/subjects/emails/organizations and more...
Newsgroup AutoPoster PRO
Turn your computer into a large scale Usenet news posting machine! Use it to simplify the process of organize and send newsgroups posts. Maximize your product exposure by capturing a world-wide audience in just a few minutes. Download It Now!
Лишь тот достоин жизни и свободы, кто каждый день за них идет на бой. И. Гёте
В сандуновских банях - Рюрик Соломонович, одно из двух: или снимите крестик, или оденьте трусики!
Всем хорошо,... когда конец хороший