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Maze Creator PRO
Computer Aided Design of random mazes with solutions to be printed or exported (EMF, BMP, Clipboard). Mazes can be customized in shape, drawn-on, and number of starting and stopping points. A mask can be applied to help rapidly develop new designs.
Auto Mailer
Bulk email client for sending individual, personalized text or HTML
messages to your mailing list. Emails can be sent with the built in
SMTP server, your own SMTP server, or using a MAPI email client.
Sends emails quickly with parallel threads.
Maze Creator HOME
Computer Aided Design of random mazes with solutions to be printed or exported (EMF, BMP, Clipboard). Mazes can be customized in shape, drawn-on, and number of starting and stopping points. A mask can be applied to help rapidly develop new designs.
Maze Creator STD
Computer Aided Design of random mazes with solutions to be printed or exported (EMF, BMP, Clipboard). Mazes can be customized in shape, drawn-on, and number of starting and stopping points. A mask can be applied to help rapidly develop new designs.
Кого можно считать умным? Того, кто стремится лишь к достижимой цели. Фома Аквинский
- каким образом пуля Ильина попала в шофера - рикошетом от лба Брежнева.
Работа не волк, а пpоизведение силы на pасстояние.