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TextMaker for Handheld PCs
TextMaker is the only desktop-class word processor for Handheld PCs. Imagine being able to work on your Microsoft Word documents on the road, keeping content and all formatting intact. Imagine having a full-fledged word processor on your Handheld PC!
TextMaker for Pocket PCs
TextMaker is the only desktop-class word processor for Pocket PCs. Imagine being able to work on your Microsoft Word documents on the road, keeping content and all formatting intact. Imagine having a full-fledged word processor on your Pocket PC!
TextMaker for Windows
If you want your word processor (a) to provide all the features of a modern high-end word processor, (b) to seamlessly read and write Microsoft Word documents, and (c) to be available on multiple platforms, look no further: TextMaker is here!
Он грыз гранит, не жалея ни зубов, ни гранита. А. и Б. Стругацкие
Еврей везет в Израиль портрет Ленина - это что? - спрашивают его на советской границе. - не "что", а "кто"! Это Ленин! - это кто? - спрашивают его при приземлении в Израиле. - не "кто", а "что"! Это золотая рама!
Путь к сердцу гея лежит через его жопу