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NutriGenie Omega 3 Counter

Companion software to: The Omega-3 Connection: The Groundbreaking Anti-depression Diet and Brain Program by Andrew L. Stoll, M.D., The Omega Plan: The Medically Proven Diet That Restores Your Body's Essential Nutritional Balance by Simopoulos, M.D.


NeuroDiet is a neural network application that learns how the foods you eat are related to your health and fitness. All the neural network functions are managed automatically. You don't need to know anything about neural networks.

NutriGenie Glycemic Index Diet

Award-winning nutrition software with glycemic indices for most common foods, automatic menu generator and unique USDA Food Pyramid analysis. Indispensable to anyone who wants to follow the GI diet.

NutriGenie Mother of All Diets

Award-winning nutrition software with automatic menu generator and unique USDA Food Pyramid analysis. Indispensable to anyone who wants to achieve a more desirable weight. Has glycemic indicators for common foods.

NutriGenie Diabetes Nutrition

Diabetes meal planning has never been easier: This program incorporates the American Diabetes Association's Food Exchange System in addition to the USDA's Food Guide Pyramid. It can automatically generate daily menus that meet your Exchange specs.

Body Account

Program, which monitors your eating and activity processes together with your body weight and shape. The program shows you your daily balance as well as you general progress during the long period.

NutriGenie Low Carb Diet

Adopting the low carb diet has never been so easy. Latest update of the Atkins diet software series. Its nutrition analysis automatically calculates the unique Atkins Net Carbs values (of over 8,000 food items) to help you stay on the low carb diet.

NutriGenie Kidney Disease Nutrition

This program is based on U.S. Surgeon General's and National Institutes of Health's guidelines for kidney disease dietary management. Proper nutrition can help patients feel better, prevent complications and slow the disease progression.

Performance Diet Pro

Maximize your Weight Loss, Fitness, Nutrition & Health Results with the Performance Diet Pro. Also get the Performance Diet online weight loss program free & $50 in FREE diet/nutrition products. Includes Internet anywhere and remote update features.

NutriGenie Optimal Nutrition

Award-winning nutrition software with automatic menu generator and unique USDA Food Pyramid analysis. Indispensable to anyone who wants the best nutrition for his health. Has glycemic indicators for common foods. Has quality star-rating for any diet.

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