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» Development Tools
Timers OCX
The Timers control is a set of timers that expand on the timer control supplied with Visual Basic.
The Timer control supplied with Visual Basic counts in milliseconds, up to about 65 seconds, this suite of timer controls allow over 32,000 hours.
SplitBar XT
Add hotizontal and vertical split bars and auto resize functions to your forms. Individually adjust the size and position of each control. Customizable with advanced properties and events. Build professional multi panes user interface in no time.
SmpMapX is a ActiveX mapping control that enables the user to utilize TXF/TDB, MID/MIF, SHP/DBF, and raster data for building powerful mapping systems with multiple layers, layer control, individual visibility thresholds, attribute control, and more
SCML Zip & Split OCX
SCML ZIP & SPLIT OCX is an OCX control that allows Visual Basic
programmers to zip and split files.
RSP MP3 Player OCX
ActiveX OCX to play MP3 , MP2 , MP1 , MPEG-2.0 and MPEG-2.5 media files
RSP Encrypt OCX
ActiveX OCX to encrypt files with a very fast implementation of AES 256 bits and standard RC4
RSP Checksum OCX
ActiveX OCX to compute very fast the checksum of strings or files using Adler32 , CRC32 , MD5 , SHA-1 and SHA-256
Resizer XT
Add smart form resizing without code. Provides proportional resize and advanced intelligent resize and positionning. Individually adjust the size, position and font of each control on your form. Customizable with events, methods and properties.
PSS System Tray Icon Control
PSS System Tray Icon Control is a Royalty Free control that allows you to quickly add your application to the System Tray. You can change the icon and tooltip while displayed and a simple set of events event let you know when the icon is clicked
The Day View OCX is a list of items or appointments for a day which is like the Microsoft Outlook Day View displayed in the calendar.
Что человек делает, таков он и есть. Г. Гегель
-- Хорошенькое дело! Ты одолжил Роберту три тысячи, а он удрал с твоей женой! -- Я не настолько глуп, чтобы одалживать деньги просто так!
Любовь - это торжество воображения над интеллектом.