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» Business
SQL Batch Executor
SQL Batch Executor will run SQL scripts for any database with an ODBC compliant driver.
This component is used to Add, Reconfigure and Remove MS Access Datasource Names (DSNs) on the fly.
Now supports Delphi 4, 5 and 6
Universal Table Browser
Universal Table Browser is a Query Tool giving you access to any database using ODBC. A graphical user interface means that you can simply point and click your way to complex SQL statements or use the SQL editor to write your own query.
The DuplicatesRemover reads the data from one or multiple Excel files and examines whether there are any duplicate entries in the files. If this is the case, the duplicates will be deleted and written in a new Excel spreadsheet.
Excel Compare
Excel Compare is a tool that allows you to compare and update Excel files, Excel spreadsheets and individual ranges of sheets. Excel Compare performs the following functions: 1. mark differences, 2. create a difference report, 3. update Excel files
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Хрущев приказал выпекать мацу из кукурузы как пищ национальную по форме и социлистическую по содержанию.
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