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STATSbuilder tracks information to provide you meaningful analysis of your online sales and marketing. By taking account of unique visitors, sales, costs, profits and losses STATSbuilde is able to provide you with meaningful results.
WinFonie Mobile
WinFonie Mobile transfers the phone book from Microsoft Outlook, Excel, Access, Palm Desktop, Combit Address manager, Lotus Notes, Lotus Organizer, WAB or Cobra Adress Plus into your mobile phone. For Nokia 6100, 6310i, 6610, 6800, 7250i, 3100.
TimePanic is an easy-to-use personal time tracking tool for computer-based workplaces. It helps you to observe and improve your style of working and is well-suited to personal project management.
Snippets Text Database
Finally, a fast and easy way to store all your notes! Easily store notes in any arrangement of categories and subcategories and quickly find them later. Arranging categories is as easy as drag and drop. Flexible printing. Much more.
Snip-Its allows you to store your notes, emails, texts, hyperlinks - any kind of text data - in a hierarchical manner.
Ideal for writers wanting to gather facts, bibliographical entries, notes. Can be used to create to-do lists, daily logs.
Sciral Consistency for Macintosh
Sciral Consistency fills an important niche between the calendar and the to-do list, enabling you to track and receive easy, color-coded feedback on how consistently you're performing important day-to-day tasks that are repeating yet flexible.
Sciral Consistency for Windows
Sciral Consistency fills an important niche between the calendar and the to-do list, enabling you to track and receive easy, color-coded feedback on how consistently you're performing important day-to-day tasks that are repeating yet flexible.
ReadyNotes is a great way to keep all of your thoughts, notes and projects organized on your computer in an easy to access and easy to search format.
RB-DVD Office
DVD management with database and picture support for every record. It has a powerful "fast text search" (full text search) and a powerful list print function with possibility to create your own reports (templates). Please test now !
Super Splash 3D
Join Quackers the duck on his adventure to bring color back to the world! Be taken on a wonderful journey through magical forests, deep oceans and strange lands... Anything is possible! Features real-time 3D graphics and narration in 4 languages.
Да не будем на авось гадать о величайшем! Гераклит Эфесский
Трамвай едет по Ленинграду. Кондуктор объявляет остановки - площадь Урицкого! - бывшая Дворцовая, - комментирует старый еврей. - улица Гоголя! - бывшая Малая морская. - проспект 25 октября! - бывший Невский. - замолчите, наконец, товарищ еврей, бывшая жидовская морда.
Крепче за шофёрку держись баран!