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» Internet
» PC Based Recorders
Total Recorder Standard Edition
Total Recorder records streaming audio from Real Player or Windows Media Player, mic input, line-in input, and DVDs or CD's or and other sound card source.
AV Voice Changer Software Gold Edition
Keep your privacy and have fun by changing your voice to another voice. Record, capture all voices, music outputs in real time. Add, mix funny effects to your voice. Compatible with ICQ, Yahoo Messenger, AOL, MP3/DVD/CD players.
AV Voice Changer Software
Change your voice over Internet and PC2Phone. Record voice outputs in real time. Add effects to your voice. Keep your privacy on net by changing voice to male, female, teen, baby voice. Compatible with ICQ, Yahoo Messenger, AOL, MP3/DVD/CD players.
Пусть о себе мнит каждый, что хочет. Овидий
Стоит милиционер у канавы. По ней плывет говно и кри- чит ему: -- Привет, кореш! -- Ты что, какашка, спятила? Какой я тебе кореш? -- Так ведь и ты, и я -- из внутренних органов!
Днём согнём, вечером разогнём!