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» PDF Tools
eDocEngine ActiveX/.NET
Generic electronic document creation component suite for Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Borland Delphi 8 .NET and Borland C++Builder.
PDFtoolkit ActiveX/.NET
Gnostice PDFtoolkit ActiveX/.NET is a versatile PDF document management component set for Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Borland Delphi 8 .NET and Borland C ++Builder.
Encrypt PDF
Encrypt PDF software allows you to encrypt (using standard 40-bit or 128-bit supported by Acrobat Reader 5.0 and up) existing PDFs.
Encrypt PDF Command Line
Encrypt PDF software allows you to encrypt (using standard 40-bit or 128-bit supported by Acrobat Reader 5.0 and up) existing PDFs.
pdf stamp command line
PDF Stamp is an advanced product that enables you to stamp content into a PDF document. Besides images, texts and graphics, PDF Stamp is able to add links and notes.
Gnostice ONEView is a Windows® application for viewing, printing and exporting documents from one format to another. ONEView supports viewing and printing of HTML, XHTML, RTF, picture files and files of popular Delphi™ reporting tools.
PDFcamp(pdf writer)
create pdf from any application with pdf writer, high speed and high compression ratio.
Gnostice eDocEngine is a comprehensive, generic, 100% VCL electronic document creation component suite for Borland® Delphi™ and C++Builder™. eDocEngine enables developers to deliver information straight from the applications they develop.
PDF Slideshow
Create PDF files with your photos and pictures as Slideshow. If you open the file in Acrobat Reader you don't get a static view to your photos but you will see your photos as slideshow.
Paper 2 PDF
Do you want to use modern computers to store the paper hill on your desk in digital form? This is no longer a problem. With Paper 2 PDF you can simply scan the documents and then save them with all the sheets in one pdf file.
В литературе всякий ценен не сам по себе, а лишь в своем взаимоотношении с целым. Ф. Энгельс
Муж возвращается с работы и видит, что жена плачет. -- Я испекла тебе пирожки с мясом, но когда вышла из кух- ни, кот съел их все до единого. Муж ее успокаивает: Не плачь. Если с ним что-нибудь случится, я тебе куплю еще лучшего котика.
Даже хорошей танцовщице порой мешает то, что мешает плохому танцору