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» PDF Tools
Word 2 PDF
Convert Word files into PDF files with one mouse click! The program read Word files directs and writes PDF file directly. So you do not need Word to be installed and you do not need Acrobat Reader to be installed.
3 Great programs to help you build your pdf files from rtf, text or images.
Gnostice PDFtoolkit is a powerful component set for Borland® Delphi™ and Borland® C++Builder™ developers to help manage PDF documents from within application programs. PDFtoolkit supports many functions that can be performed on PDF documents.
PDF Password Remover
The PDF Password Remover can be used to decrypt protected Adobe Acrobat PDF files, which have "owner" password set.
Able2Extract (A2E) enables users to view and convert data from PDF, HTML, and Text formats into formatted Excel spreadsheets and Word, HTML, and Text documents. Users can select and convert financial tables and other tabular data directly into Excel.
Gnostice PDFWiz is a powerful Windows® application to manage and organize PDF documents. PDFWiz supports filling and reading of PDF forms, compressing, securing, appending and merging of multiple PDF documents, setting bookmarks, and much more...
Encrypt PDF SDK-COM Component
Encrypt PDF SDK-COM allows you to encrypt (using standard 40-bit or 128-bit supported by Acrobat Reader 5.0 and up) existing PDFs.
PDF Stamp (PDF Watermark)
PDF Stamp is an advanced product that enables you to stamp content into a PDF document. Besides images, texts and graphics, PDF Stamp is able to add links and notes.
О перипатетиках Клеанф говорил, что они похожи на лиры: звучат прекрасно, а сами себя слушать не умеют. Диоген Лаэртский
-- Поди-ка,-- посылает жена мужа,-- забери корыто со дво- ра и спрячь в сарай, а то еще украдут! Да кто его украдет! -- отвечает муж.-- Кто это корыто под- нимет: в нем же полно воды.
Шла Саша по шоссе и сосала...