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» Paging
A small utility that when coupled to a old Nokia mobile phone will send any incoming sms messages to a default email address. Great for fun but even better as a cost saving utility. Now you can reply to the office computers via sms.
Starmsg.com is a freeware that allows you to send text sms messages from your PC to mobile phones all over the world. You can set the delivery time for text messages, send Flash SMS or anonymous text messages. Universal charges apply.
NotePager 32
Send text or SMS messages to pagers and/or mobile phones with an easy to use desktop application. Messages can be sent to single or multiple devices. A built in character counter allows for message length to be monitored.
Advanced Call Center
An advanced, yet simple-to-use telephone tware answering machine for your voice modem. All the features you'd expect are supported: call monitoring and logging, Caller ID with pop-ups and voice alerts, "white" and "black" lists, and others.
eusms.net is a free software for Microsoft Windows to send text messages (SMS) via internet. You just pay the messages you send. You can even set the delivery time, send Flash-SMS or anonymous messages.
Ничто не должно приниматься без основания, если оно не известно или как самоочевидное, или по опыту. Оккам
Один шутник подъехал на осле к мясной лавке Афанди и крикнул: -- Эй, мясник, отвали-ка мне мяса! -- Затем, подъехав к прилавку вплотную, шепнул: -- Полфунта ... -- Хорошо, господин! -- громко крикнул Афанди.-- Столько мяса не увезти на осле. Я сам привезу его вам на лошади.
Пиво подошло к концу