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» Password Generators
SCP Cool Notes
Cool Notes is a program that anyone can use. Cool Notes sits conveniently in your system tray if you minimize it.You can store any text based information that you would like and even add pictures and export to PDF format.
Random Password Generator-PRO
Create up to 10,000,000 unique passwords at a time. Performs duplication and dictionary checks. Allows you to pick the characters to make available. Save to text (TXT), CSV, HTML or MS-Access® database (MDB) file. All MS-Access® capabilities built in
Password Architect
Password Architect helps you generate secure passwords that very difficult to guess or crack. Whether you're a home user or a network administrator, you'll find this is the tool you need to take the guesswork out of creating secure passwords.
Password Creator Professional
Password Creator Professional allows you to generate an unlimited number of passwords for any purpose. Use any combination of letters, numbers, special characters and even REAL words. Generate up to 200,000 passwords at a time. Compare!
Password Generator 2004
Professional, very customizable random string generator, that can generate 100 000s passwords, serial numbers, pins, msked strings, usernames, and more in seconds.
Password Creator
Helps you create passwords that difficult to guess or crack. Whether you're a home user or a network administrator, you'll find that this tool will help you create passwords that are more secure. Create any where from 1 to 10000 passwords at a time.
Password allows you to generate either single or batches of random passwords.
You can select from a range of character options including: Letters, Numbers, Symbols, Case Selection and more.
iNeeda Password & Tracker
iNeeda Password & Tracker is a highly secure password generator and tracking program to keep track of all your passwords, user names, and descriptions in categories that you create. Use the generator to generate an array of different style passwords.
За горою у реки жили-были дураки. С. Маршак
Пришел сосед к соседу в гости, а хозяин, как и полагается, приглашает его пообедать. Желая показать своему соседу, что ни- чего не пожалеет для дорогого гостя, хозяин кричит жене, которая возилась на кухне: -- Гулять так гулять: бей, жена, и второе яйцо!
Имел такой склад ума, что хоть сторожа нанимай.