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» Utilities
» Password Protection
Program Protector
Program Protector is unique, state of art security utility, which allows you to password protect programs. You can password protect any Windows application. Program Protector is very easy to use and does not require any special computer knowledge.
Folder Guard Professional
Powerful security and access control utility for Windows Me/9x and Windows XP/2000/NT that lets you hide or password-protect files and folders, as well as restrict access to other resources. http://www.winability.com/
Folder Guard XP Edition
Powerful security and access control utility for Windows XP/2000/2003 that lets you hide or password-protect files and folders, as well as restrict access to other resources. http://www.winability.com/
Folder Guard Classic Edition
Powerful security and access control utility for Windows Me/98/98SE that lets you hide or password-protect files and folders, as well as restrict access to other resources. http://www.winability.com/
Folder Guard Standard
Powerful security and access control utility for Windows Me/9x and Windows XP-Home Edition that lets you hide or password-protect files and folders, as well as restrict access to other resources. http://www.winability.com/
indexsoft access manager
The powerful web-based manager of .htpasswd, .htgroups and .htaccess files. It gives you easy management and control over all the restricted directories on your web-site, including managing access rights for all users, groups and hosts.
Password Scrambler
Password Scrambler allows you to automatically present unique passwords to the sites you visit, generated from a unique master password you choose. It achieves this by uniquely "scrambling" your password for every site you visit.
HTML Password Encryption
HTML password protect, encrypt HTML files with 448 bit keys. Protect web page or entire website with a password. Hide html source code. Image protection-protect images.
Достаток распутного равняется короткому одеялу: натянешь его к носу, обнажаются ноги. К. Прутков
В магазине изопродукции - мне, пожалуйста, вон ту фаянсовую кису! - это не киса, а Семен Михалыч Буденный!!
Потеpян абpикосовый пудель. Маленький, толстенький, совсем как член нашей семьи.