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» Pdf
Ancestral Author
Ancestral Author helps you document your genealogical research by constructing fully hyperlinked Adobe Acrobat PDF files from GEDCOM files, text files, images, and other sources of user input.
Midas Extractor
Midas Extractor extracts plain text from Adobe PDF files and creates text files with the extracted content. Select multiple files or folders for text extraction with easy drag and drop. It doesn't need any other PDF or Adobe tools.
PageFocus Draw
An useful drawing / desktop-publishing program. Supports spell-check (English/Spanish), vector drawing, import/export/edit of image and PDF files, multi-column and curved text, and tables. Great for creating brochures, graphics. Double-byte enabled.
PDF Printer Pilot Pro
PDF Printer Pilot converts any document to PDF. All you have to do is to print your document with this virtual printer and save the result as PDF file. The program coverts your documents with the maximum precision.
OctoTools is a document management tool that encompasses Forms Design, Report Formatting, Electronic Distribution, Printing, and PDF conversion. Once set up, OctoTools runs automatically to provide high volume throughput without operator involvement
PDF2Mail Pilot
Convert any document into PDF file using this virtual printer and send it via e-mail. All you have to do is to choose the "Print" command for your document and select this virtual printer from your printers list.
Mac PDF Page Numberer
Mac PDF Page Numberer is a Acrobat plug-in tool for Acrobat Which is used to automatically page number your documents, you can put customizable page numbers anywhere on the page, with any font size, font name & font type also, features include saving
PDF Paper Stats
PDF Paper Stats is a Acrobat plug-in tool for full version of Acrobat which is used to generate statistics on page size usage in your pdf's, measurement's are reported in pixels, metric & imperial. Optional page by page breakdown available also
PDF Summary Maker
PDF Summary Maker allows you to change the summary information in many pdf's or individual pdfs with ease, this software also includes summary reports.
PDF U Append Dekstop Edition
PDF U Append Desktop Edition software Automates the process of appending multiple PDF files, PDF U Append will append your many PDF documents into one PDF document at the click of one button.
Раз нельзя быть внешне тем, чем хочешь быть, стань внутренне таким, каким должен стать. Ф. Петрарка
Волк пригласил Лису в театр. Лиса отказалась: -- Ты грубый, матерщинник, ты меня в театре перед всеми осрамишь. -- Клянусь, Лисочка, последняя тварь буду, если хоть одно бранное словечко услышишь! Буду говорить только о цветах. Лиса согласилась. Пришли в театр. А место Волка занял Заяц. Волк рассердился и зашипел на Зайца: -- Эй, ты, роза! А-ну нарцись отсюда, а не то я тебя так в ухо тюльпану, что ты обсиренишься!
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