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» Pdf
Siberix PDF Library
Siberix PDF Library is a pure C# component for .NET designed to create industry standard PDF files. It provides a variety of methods to format text, create complex layouts, draw geometric figures and paths, insert images and other objects.
Rapid PDF Count
Rapid PDF Count will show you how many pages are in many PDF's and generate reports for you with a few mouse clicks.
SDE for Sun ONE (PE) for Linux
SDE for Sun ONE is a UML tool tightly integrated with Sun ONE. You can draw UML diagrams in Sun ONE, reverse engineer Java code to class diagrams, generate Java code, import Rational Rose, export XMI, generate documentation...
PDF Measure It
accurate measurement of the distance and angle between two points on a PDF page
PDF Page Numberer Batch
PDF Page Numberer Batch is a Acrobat plug-in tool for Acrobat Which is used to automatically page number your documents, batch version includes support for numbering many pdf files with a few mouse clicks
Mac PDF Measure It
Mac PDF Measure It is an Acrobat plug-in tool, it enables accurate measurement of the distance and angle between two points on a page. To measure a distance, click anywhere on a PDF page to set a reference point.
PDF Image Stamp
PDF Image Stamp is an Acrobat plug-in tool which is used to automatically image stamp your documents quickly and easily, you can put customizable Images on the page in any x,y position, PDF Image Stamp supports gif, jpeg, bmp & png image formats.
Mac PDF2Text
Mac PDF2Text is a plug-in conversion tool for Acrobat Which is used to convert your PDF documents into plain text ascii files. Options are available to output page numbers, Paragraph formatting, Horizontal Formatting, Vertical Formatting + others
PDF Page Numberer
PDF Page Numberer is a Acrobat plug-in tool for Acrobat Which is used to automatically page number your documents, you can put customizable page numbers anywhere on the page, with any font size, font name & other features.
У каждого философа две философии: одна обращена вовне, другая - для себя. Д. Толанд
Жена пишет мужу с курорта: "За шесть недель я похудела наполовину. Можно, я побуду здесь еще немного?" Муж отвечает: "Останься там еще на шесть недель!"
В моей душе, Сеpега, ты затаился навсегда.