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» Performance
Web Response Grabber Standard
Web Response Grabber is a web lead capturing tool that automatically transfers web form data into your Database. It can also send auto responders, dynamically re-route e-mails and lot more... thus automating your online operation.
AutoPilot® is a Breakthrough Automatic WinXP Performance Tuner! It was originally developed to tune multi processor supercomputers, but is now available for WinXP.
ListGrabber Standard
ListGrabber is a contact extractor and a lead capture tool which instantly captures lists and contact information from thousands of Websites, Web Directories, Documents, spreadsheets and enters them for you into your Contact Manager / Address Book.
LTProf is a small but powerful CPU profiling tool. Main features:
* Line level resolution
* No instrumentation
* Profiled program runs at its normal speed
* Profile VC++, CBuilder, Delphi and Visual Basic code
* Small price (USD 49.95)
Наш воспитатель - наша действительность. М. Горький
Разговор двух старых подруг: Представляешь, моя дочь ничего мне не рассказывает. Я буквально не нахожу себе места! -- Ой, и не говори! Я тоже: моя дочь рассказывает мне все. Как я тебя понимаю...
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