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» Perl
Webdata Pro
Easily create relational databases online. Interface provides the admin a point-and-click path through: building tables; designing search pages, reports and forms; managing records; and defining member accounts. Customize w/ any HTML editor.
pssSearch is a web-based search tool for your web server. pssSearch enables your web-site visitors to find the information they seek on your web-site by entering words or phrases. pssSearch logs the user's search request for your us.
CGI Star Professional
Common Gateway Software (CGI) creation. Interactive web forms. Mail the form content or the entire page. Attach a file and send. Multi-form input or single click submission. Ideal for online order, feedback, subscriptions, etc. CGI on your server.
OmniChex Web
Manage info on a website in linked checklists, with browser, mobile phone or PDA. All checklists: task, to do, shopping, meetings, travel, packing, bookmark, wish, wedding registry, recipe, directions etc. Try now with a free account on omnichex.com!
Perl-raiser CGI Generator
Perl-raiser CGI Generator is Software which Generates Ready-To-Go Search Engines, Mailing Lists, Member Logins, and other Website Enhancing User Interactive CGI Programs.
Perl and PHP Development Environment with multi-file syntax-highlighting editor, Web utilities such as one-click FTP upload, execution to text or web-browser, auto form-filling, web server, MySQL integration, code templates, and multi-level backups.
EngInSite Perl Editor Lite
If you've used Windows programming tools like Visual Basic, Visual C++ or Delphi, EngInSite Perl Editor's IDE will be familiar to you. If not, you'll find that the visual environment can give you a dramatic productivity boost!
Installgen implements OracleВґs best practices for over 100 tasks required when performing the installation of Oracle primary and standby database servers. Free demo available for Windows, MacOSX, Linux and Solaris.
EngInSite Perl Editor Professional
If you've used Windows programming tools like Visual Basic, Visual C++ or Delphi, EngInSite Perl Editor's IDE will be familiar to you. If not, you'll find that the innovative visual environment can give you a dramatic productivity boost!
BrowserExpress is a Web-based E-mail client with an Address Book. In less than 10 minutes with only three files, BrowserExpress gives all your users web based e-mail from any web browser anywhere. Implements POP3, SMTP, LDAP, and MIME.
Власть - это плащ, который мы находим слишком широким на чужих плечах и слишком тесным на наших. П. Декурсель
-- Моя жена хочет похудеть и теперь все время ездит верхом. -- И каков результат? -- За неделю конь потерял в весе десять килограммов.
"В доме все было краденое, и даже воздух какой - то спертый"