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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы


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! TreePad X Enterprise (8 Gb, single-user)

Next-generation 12 Gigabyte Organizer, opens 8 databases simultaneously. Includes: Word Processor, spellcheck tables search/replace, skinning, drag-drop import/export, hyperlinks, auto-save, images, attachments recycler favorites history etc.

! TreePad X Enterprise (256 Gb, single-user)

Next-generation 384 Gigabyte Organizer, opens 8 databases simultaneously. Includes: Word Processor, spellcheck tables search/replace, skinning, drag-drop import/export, hyperlinks, auto-save, images, attachments recycler favorites history etc.


The ultimate idea and personal Information organizer. Keep a journal, jot ideas, make a grocery list, track DVD collection, manage passwords. Harmoniously combines lists, notes, contacts, calendar, mediabrowser, scrapbook and other powerful tools.


CalendarPro is an easy-to-use calendar designed for Microsoft Windows that allows you to quickly look up dates and set reminders for yourself. CalendarPro is a fast utility with little overhead, and stays quietly out of your way until you need it.


Memorize texts, images, web pages, links, reminders etc. in tree-like database with this powerful personal information manager. Includes fast global search, data encryption, synchronization with Pocket PC, multi-user support, backing up and printing.

Cresotech DesktopSafe Lite

Cresotech DesktopSafe Lite is a convenient FREE tool for safe storage of confidential data. Instead of memorizing dozens of passwords, nicknames, numbers, etc., you have to remember the only password - the one giving you access to whole data.

Gifts 'n Reminders

Turn your PC into a reminder service, with Gifts 'n Reminders! Features include: reminders for birthdays and special occasions, monthly calendars, gift planning, purchase histories, personal profiles, shopping lists, budget reports, and much more.


#1 free-trial information management program. You've got all-in-one software package: Tasks, Contacts, Links, Calendar, Calculator, Blocknote, template tasks called Prototasks, Digital Clock and Timers and much more!

Active Desktop Calendar

This fully customizable calendar for Windows displays its data on the desktop wallpaper using icons and text. It features interactive desktop interface, notes, tasks, alarms, data export/import/print and provides data sharing on a local area network.

Cresotech PocketSafe

Convenient PocketPC-based tool for safe storage of confidential information. PocketSafe provides the comfortable management and secure storage of passwords, nicknames, credit card, bank account and document data on your PDA.

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Быть богатым отнюдь не означает быть счастливым, как обладать женщиной отнюдь не означает любить ее.
А. Ривароль


Решили звери построить мост. Послали медведя в мини-
стерство за бревнами.
-- Ты, медведь, сильный -- выбьешь бревна.
Но вернулся медведь ни с чем. Послали лису.
-- Ты, лиса, хитрая -- выбьешь бревна.
Но вернулась и лиса ни с чем. А осел говорит:
-- Можно я попробую?
И ушел.
Через некоторое время поплыли по реке бревна. Неделю
плывут, месяц...
Все берега ими завалили.
Вскоре приезжает осел на машине. Стали его звери спра-
-- Как же тебе удалось провернуть такое трудное дело?
А осел и отвечает:
-- Захожу я в министерство, а там -- все свои. Только вот
не знали, как вы мост хотите строить: вдоль реки или поперек?


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