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» Personal Information Managers
Time & Chaos
Use this contact manager to organize your telephone book, appointment schedule, and to do list for better time management, all on one screen! Version 6 adds grouping, activity series, private records, external alarm utility. 21 day trial available.
SmartWin Professional
SmartWin sets you free of : the start menu, the web favorites list, the browsing for endless folders, the Desktop, scheduling notes (schedule the resource), have to call one resource at a time (group them), bad presentations,waste of time.Try it out
Small Business Tracker Deluxe
This PIM tracks time, activities, expenses, invoices, contacts, appointments, inventory, etc. for any number of products or projects, and generates reports and invoices for printing or exporting. Includes the Universal Calculator. For Mac & Wind
RedBox Organizer
Get powerful tools for daily organizing tasks with RBO. More than just the usual Calendar, Reminder, To-Do, Sticky Notes, Expenses Tracking and Address Book. Quick launch your email, web browser or any other programs with one click on your mouse!
Quick Notes Plus
Create skinnable Sticky Notes on windows desktop. Set alarms to each note, arrange notes inside memoboards to avoid desktop clutter. Send notes over network or as email. Stick notes to documents and websites. Skins are downloadable.
Oxygen Phone Manager for Nokia GSM phones
Oxygen Phone Manager for Nokia GSM phones program allows you to manage your Nokia (models 3***, 51**, 62**, 8***) using PC. This version allows IrDA or DAU-9P cable. Phonebook, Calendar, SMS, Logo management, import form MS Outlook, Lotus Notes, CSV.
Oxygen Phone Manager for Nokia 71**/62**
Oxygen Phone Manager for Nokia 71**/62** program allows you to manage your Nokia 71** or 62** GSM phone using PC. IrDA or DAU-9P or DLR-3 cable connection. Managing Phonebook, Calendar, SMS manager, WAP bookmarks, profiles, editing caller group logos
Catalog your favorite music, video, book, and software collections. Integrates CDDB for automated cataloging of music CDs and IMDb. Easy to use, completely customizable. Comprehensive reports, interactive graphs, import and export options.
JBLab Secure Notes
Info tree PIM (personal info manager) and personal organizer for desktop and USB Flash Drive. It organize and password-protect sensitive information (usernames, passwords, contacts, text notes, etc). Provides access to the dialer, browser and e-mail.
NotesXP is popular note and task manager for Windows. It is small, flexible and easy to use for everyone with good set of features. NotesXP supports file encryption for privacy. Perfect solution for home or office use.
Все было бы очень хорошо, если бы все наши поступки можно было бы совершать дважды. Гете
Жадный богач никогда не приглашал к себе гостей. Од- нажды сосед Нгуен, увидев, что слуга богача моет посуду, спросил: -- Что, у вас были гости? -- Где там,-- ответил слуга.-- Разве вы не знаете моего хозяи- на?! Гости к нему соберутся, наверное, лишь тогда, как он будет умирать. Хозяин, услыхав это, начал ругать слугу: -- Зачем заранее трепаться?
По этому вопросу существует два мнения: одно неправильное, другое мое.