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Wordware Personal Information Manager for Word
A complete solution for quick and easy access to contacts in Word. It's people management made simple! Finally, a Personal Information Manager (PIM) comes to Word for Windows! Have your own address book and telephone directory at your fingertips.
Stealth Folder Hider
With Stealth Folder you will be able to hide any folder in your PC. Stealth folder is password protected. Stealth Folder also comes with Clear Trac, which clears all PC and internet activity (files). Operating System: Win98/ME/NT40/2000 /XP
Do you know where and who is spending your money? SoftBanking helps you track your spending habits and see where the money goes with the help of several chart templates.
SoftBanking is a personal income and expense-tracking program, that supports all the features required for basic home accounting, with the powerfull addicional feature of importing homebanking files.
PocketRx is a prescription manager for Pocket PC with medication reminders for taking and administering medication. PocketRx helps you organize medical history, prescriptions, insurance policies, physicians, and pharmacies for your entire family.
Glucose Journal and Database
Helps user keep an organized journal of important blood glucose test results. Powerful sorting capabilities let users view their glucose test results in many different ways. All records are kept perfectly ordered by date and time. Data entry is easy.
Love Puzzles
Puzzling stuff, love and romance. So we made some puzzles for you to send to that special person in your life. They're free, so help yourself to as many as you like, and go make someone happy.
M7 Stocks Forecaster
Stock Market Forecasting Software. Forecasts 1-20 days ahead. Based on the famous M7 technology. Forecasts Open/Hi/Low/Close Colorful graphic display true 3D shadows. Fast. Uses free Internet data. Includes free database. Add your own symbols.
All-in-One Journal
A full featured Journal that includes Audio Record & Playback. Great for personalizing your entries, recording your children or grandchildren, leaving messages, reminders and more. Includes the flexibility of sharing your entries with other users.
M7 X3.5 Stocks Analyst
Free Stock Market Analysis Selection Software finds the best stocks by sector. Based on the famous M7 technology. Shows strengths, weakness, and profit potential. Colorful graphic display w true 3D shadows. Fast. Uses free Internet data.
Справедливость - это истина в действии. Ж. Жубер
Иностранец, приехавший в Лондон, не может найти до- рогу к отелю из-за густого тумана. Наконец он очутился возле ка- кой-то ограды и широких ступенек. Здесь он встретил человека и обрадованно спросил: -- Скажите, пожалуйста, куда я попаду, если пойду по этим ступенькам? -- В Темзу! Я как раз оттуда.
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