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» Phone Tools
Programmator for Panasonic KX-TA308/616/624
Programmator is a programming tool for the Panasonic KX-TA308 / Panasonic
KX-TA616 / Panasonic KX-TA624 PBX (programming, management, and
administration). The built-in "installation help" can aid you to solve
many difficult problems.
Programmator for Panasonic KX-TD1232/816/308
Panasonic KX-TD1232/KX-TD816/KX-TD308 Programming Software for Windows. Easy understandable interface, full compatibility with any version of PBX firmware, built-in installer's help
Advanced Call Center
An advanced, yet simple-to-use telephone tware answering machine for your voice modem. All the features you'd expect are supported: call monitoring and logging, Caller ID with pop-ups and voice alerts, "white" and "black" lists, and others.
Лучше страшный конец, чем бесконечный страх. Ф. Шиллер
Ревизор спросил, улыбаясь: -- Сколько будет дважды два? А не понимающий юмора директор, поняв это как намек на несуразности в бухгалтерских счетах, сразу во всем признался...