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» Photos
Portuguese Churches Screen Saver
This screen saver includes copyrighted photographs by Izhar Perlman.These photographs can be bought as a limited edition prints, signed and numbered by the artist.For more information: www.izhar.tvIf you want to use the photographs for any other purp
SR-71 Blackbird
Protect your monitor with photos of the SR-71 Blackbird.The package is powered by an excellent screen-saver engine with lots of options:Select the time between pictures, show the photos full-screen or at original size.
Windows and Doors
This screen saver includes 59 copyrighted photographs by Izhar Perlman.The photographs show windows and doors in Portugal, with their unique and peaceful design.This collection was done through the years 1998-2001.
PC Photo Kiosk
Process your digital photos in the comfort of your own home. Just like Photo Lab or Drug Store Kiosks, your first step is to select your images for printing. Select the photo template and print the results INSTANTLY.
My Digital Photos
The Essential Companion to Your Digital Camera
Connect your camera to the computer and open My Digital Photos. Views, arranges, stores, and puts captions on pictures. Makes EXE file for sharing pictures with friends.
PhotoMazing is designed as a fast and efficient photo viewer and light editor tool. It allows users to setup a photo canvas to view, frame or resize from 1 to 36 images at a time! You have a variety of choices on photo layout.
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