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SesamTV Media Center
SesamTV Media Center is an all-in-one multimedia player designed to be viewed on a TV. It can be controlled with any PC remote control. With Sesam.tv you can transform your TV into a multimedia center for your videos, your music and your pictures.
ABF Slide Show Screen Saver
ABF Slide Show Screen Saver is a screen saver with cool looking effects and abilities to show pictures ether from local folders or from the web.
1st Javascript Library
1st Javascript Library(Coocool Stupid Web Tricks Tool) lets your imagination run wild. You can create amazing homepage effects to spice up your web-site without any knowledge of Java or Javascript.
HotchPotch is a brandnew game idea. The game presents two pictures to you, which at first sight, seem identical. However, one of them contains a series of, more or less subtle alterations. Can you find them all within the time limit?
Biromsoft WebAlbum
Biromsoft WebAlbum generates spectacular web albums from your collection of photos. It will help you to create great looking albums in a few seconds. You can use your own custom settings or just choose one of our cool themes.
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