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Windows and Doors
This screen saver includes 59 copyrighted photographs by Izhar Perlman.The photographs show windows and doors in Portugal, with their unique and peaceful design.This collection was done through the years 1998-2001.
Tao Screen Saver
Inspirational screen saver with quotes & images (Chinese gardens & temples) from the "Tao Te Ching". The Tao is the source of sayings like: Journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step. It is related to the I-Ching and, more loosely, to Zen.
Snow Screen Saver
Snow Screen Saver is an ANIMATED screen saver that displays beautiful scenic Winter images while snow gently falls over each scene. Several background music arrangements accompany the screen saver. Several features are available to customize.
Costa Rica's Aviarios Nature Reserve
Pictures of the flora, fauna and landscapes from the lush and fragile ecosystem of the Aviarios del Caribe Reserve. From the crimson reds of an exotic tropical flower to a spectacular sunrise over the lagoon, all the images are a treat for the eyes.
Natures Splendors: Autumn Screen Saver and Wallpaper
Witness the spectacle of fall while sitting in the confines of your office. This screen saver and wallpaper features 38 beautiful images that capture the colorful splendor of autumn. You'll see why fall is everyone's favorite season in the north.
Egypt Dings
Unique for passive displays and originally based on a ding font style, this major animation is full of rich color and movement, evoking an ancient ambience. This splendid movie is accompanied by music from the British ambient group Tuu.
Moving Images Winter Scenes
Moving Images Winter Scenes features images of stunning Winter time scenes. Several images MOVE around your screen at the same time. You can configure the number of images moving - image speed - frame rate and more! When you register ANY of the Movin
Galleon 3D Screensaver
This beautiful galleon from the Age of Great Explorations is crossing the dangerous ocean at full sail again. Through blistering sun and quiet nights blessed by the moonshine, through fierce gun battles and storms, it rushes to new lands.
From Space to Earth - Canada Screen Saver
Protect your monitor with satellite-eye views of different parts of Canada. See pictures of Adams lake, Alberta, Newfoundland,Calgary, Clearwater Lakes, Ontario, Edmonton, Halifay, British Columbia, Montreal, Sable Island, Vancouver.
В зеркале, как известно, все наоборот. Но без него мы никогда не увидели самих себя. Руми
Муж на порог, а ему навстречу кот бежит. Но не трется, как прежде, о ноги, а останавливается в двух шагах от хозяина и, помахивая лапой, говорит: -- Вытри сапоги о коврик! Мужик остолбенел от удивления. -- Чудеса! Неужели это кот сам придумал? Или это твои идиотские шуточки, жена? А жена в ответ: -- Чего удивляешься? Разве он глупость сказал?!
А-ля Пушкин: "Не так я вас любил как вы стонали"