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RedBox Organizer
Get powerful tools for daily organizing tasks with RBO. More than just the usual Calendar, Reminder, To-Do, Sticky Notes, Expenses Tracking and Address Book. Quick launch your email, web browser or any other programs with one click on your mouse!
The StarMessage Diary Software
The StarMessage diary is an excellent way to keep a private journal of day to day thoughts, goals, feelings, memories, dreams, ideas and important events in your life.
NotesHolder Lite
NotesHolder lets you quickly type in any piece of information so that you can easily find it when you need. This is the most effective way to store all your notes without cluttering up your desk with PostIt and sticky notes.
Lyttlesoft Personal Organizer
Never lose track of those important dates again. Remind yourself of special events, birthdays or even that important meeting. Then plot your day in the password protected journal to archive your precious memories.
Mindbuilt Attendance and Project Tracker
Track exact employee work hours, deal applications, assign and manage tasks both in your office departments and projects. This software is network capable and comes with full reporting capabilities.
Искусство перестает быть искусством, как только наше сознание начинает воспринимать его как искусство. Р. Вагнер
Знаешь, сердце подсказывает делать одно, а разум -- другое. Так иди за голосом сердца. Почему? Чтобы потом не упрекать свой ум.
Ну-ка Харя, громче тресни