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Platoo-Contact is fast and powerful CRM software, that lets you and your company manage all the business contacts and activities you need. Based on client-server architecture, that assures speed, power and reliability.
Four separate modes of operation including "To Do List", "Appointments", "Log", and "Calendar" modes.Graphically displays scheduled ToDo's or Appointments on a monthly calendar right on the days they occur ! Includes multiple alarm configurations.
Visual Day Planner
Fully customizable network capable calendar that allows real-time updates by workgroup users. Powerful network features allow users to synchronize and view everyone’s activities in real-time.
Acute Softwares Diary
Quickly and easily manages Appointments and Notes even if the main program isnt running. Also reports on what applications and files you used during any day, week or month - great for people who have to produce timesheets.
Уничтожение одного есть рождение другого. Аристотель
Старушке впервые установили телефон. Вскоре она по- звонила на телефонную станцию. -- Будьте любезны, помогите мне,-- сказала она,-- мой те- лефонный провод слишком длинный и я все время цепляюсь за него. Потяните его немного с вашего конца.
Истинное целомудpие пpиобpетается с годами.