
В начало
» Utilities
» Post-it Notes
Note Wonder
Note Wonder combines the power of a PIM with the ease-of-use of Notepad. It provides an easily accessible place to quickly jot down, store, and retrieve all those little tidbits of information you hate to lose, but never know where to keep.
CS Desktop Notes
This small program allows you easily attach post-it like notes to your windows desktop. You can use individual visual appearance for each note.
Not overloaded with huge number of features it have nice interface and consume minimal system resources.
NotesHolder Lite
NotesHolder lets you quickly type in any piece of information so that you can easily find it when you need. This is the most effective way to store all your notes without cluttering up your desk with PostIt and sticky notes.
Цена свободы - вечная бдительность. Т. Джефферсон
- что общего между Хрущевым и космическим кораблем "Восход-1" - они вылетели почти одновременно.
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