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» Presentations
PowerPointRecovery software fixes corrupted Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. PowerPointRecovery 2.0 features Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 support. Recovers text, graphics, images. Available for all modern platforms: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME.
Create slide shows for your TV and PC. With ProShow, you can build high quality shows with custom timing, over 170 transition effects, captions, sound tracks and more. Output to video CD, executables, PC autorun CDs, screen savers and video files.
TurboDemo records and captures your desktop and automatically creates online demos and software simulations within in minutes in FLASH, EXE, JAVA, and movies. No programming knowledge required.
In only 3 steps:
1: Record
2: Edit
3: Publish
3D Graph Generator
Fly-through 3D graph software for exciting presentations, marketing, sales, analysis and fun!
Game Show Presenter
Help people pay attention! Increase attention and participation with a fun quiz show presentation that you customize to your topic Just write your quiz or review questions and choose options. Show has music, effects, funny host and scorekeeping.
The quick and easy way to create an intro for your CD. Give your business, product, service or CD presentation immediate impact with a short multi-media introduction.
Home Group Overhead
Sing along with God! Overhead Slide Projection Program Displays Lyrics really huge on the screen in real time as Worship Music is Sung. You don't need a projector and you don't need any expensive software to lead the words of worship.
Действовать без правил - самое трудное и самое утомительное занятие на этом свете. А. Мандзони
Мужик поехал в командировку. Поселился в гостиницу. Позвонил жене, мол, устроился в гостинице такой-то, все нормально. А потом... А потом был один ресторан, другой... Затем был бар. И еще один бар. А п"том очутился один, в незнакомом городе, на незна- комой улице. С трудом вспомнил детали утра. Нашел ближайшее поч- товое отделение и подал в окошко текст телеграммы жене: "Сроч- но телеграфируй зпт в какой гостинице я остановился".
У экипажа самолета кончилось топливо... Пришлось лететь трезвыми...