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» Printer Utilities
Usher Fonts TT
Rubicon Usher Fonts v1.31c. Standard Truetype format. Like Univers, sans serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, euro symbol, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $12.
Print Pilot
Print Pilot - photo album software. Create photo albums by organizing your digital photos on a single page and printing them! You can change the size and proportions of the images and add text on the paper.
SGaramond Fonts PS
Rubicon SGaramond Fonts v1.31c. Postscript Type1 format. Like Stempel Garamond, serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, euro symbol, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $12.
SGaramond Fonts TT
Rubicon SGaramond Fonts v1.31c. Standard Truetype format. Like Stempel Garamond, serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, euro symbol, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $12.
Star Envelope Printer Pro
This application makes printing your Envelopes
just so easy. Give your envelopes that
professional result.
Handles all different types of envelopes and printers.
Free support/upgrades/updates for a full year.
Fully functional download.
Tribune Condensed Fonts PS
Rubicon Tribune Condensed Fonts v1.31c. Postscript Type1 format. Like Times, serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, euro symbol, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $12.
Tribune Condensed Fonts TT
Rubicon Tribune Condensed Fonts v1.31c. Standard Truetype format. Like Times, serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, euro symbol, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $12.
Tribune Fonts PS
Rubicon Tribune Fonts v1.31c. Postscript Type1 format. Times clone, serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, euro symbol, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $12.
Tribune Fonts TT
Rubicon Tribune Fonts v1.31c. Standard Truetype format. Like Times, serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, euro symbol, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $12.
Usher Fonts PS
Rubicon Usher Fonts v1.31c. Postscript Type1 format. Like Univers, sans serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, euro symbol, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $12.
Существует немало мрачных и раздражительных умов, которые радуются лишь тогда, когда находят зло там, где его нет. Ж.Массийон
Жена была в отъезде и позвонила мужу: -- Как наша кошечка? -- Сдохла! -- Какой ужас! Неужели ты не мог сказать поделикатнее? Она, мол, сидит на крыше. А потом сказал бы, что она упала и разбилась. Понятно? -- Вполне. -- Ну, ладно. А как моя мама? -- Теща? Сидит на крыше...
Унитазу в душу насрали.