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» Privacy
The number one solution if you want to know what others are doing on your own computer while you are not at home (or office). Logs all keystrokes, applications, windows, websites, internet connections, passwords, chat conversations.
Stop spam and junk e-mail with SpamWasher. This unique and intuitive product allows you to block spam from entering your inbox, while allowing e-mail from trusted senders to pass immediately! Now with Hotmail and MSN support!
SPAM Filter
The powerful, effective and intelligent anti-spam tool. It automatically cleans spam messages out of your mailbox before you receive or read them.
PopUp Ad SmasheR
Smasher is an easy to use program that offers to stop Pop-up ads, Floating ads, Flash ads, Timer ads, remove cookies as you browse and also removes web bugs. It also offers a unique "Freeze Cookies" ...
Program Protector
Program Protector is unique, state of art security utility, which allows you to password protect programs. You can password protect any Windows application. Program Protector is very easy to use and does not require any special computer knowledge.
Video Fun Box
Video fun box is more than just a video titling package. It includes a wide range of fully customizable digital video effects that are so flexible that the only limit is your own creativity!
Folder Security Personal
This tool keeps files and folders secret and safe by hiding and locking them, or by making them read-only with a password. It can also lock floppies, cdroms, removable disks, and local hard disks. It is foolproof, easy-to-use, and self-protected.
SafeShopper allows you to verify an online store's security before you place an order online by clicking the SafeShopper button in your IE toolbar. SafeShopper provides you with an instant report as to if the online store is safe to shop at.
RegBlock Spy Blocker
Regblock Allows Windows users an easy way to halt the installation of drive-by downloads commonly used by malware, spyware and profiling technology through the use of Kill-bit methodology.
Я не хочу иметь точку зрения. Я хочу иметь зрение. М.И. Цветаева
Одному скупому правителю его придворные сказали: -- Нам бы хотелось, чтобы мы могли по твоему знаку остав- лять тебя одного, как только наше общество тебе надоест. Твои отец в таких случаях выпускал из рук жезл, у деда тоже был свой знак. А какой сигнал предложишь ты? Правитель ответил: -- А я в таком случае буду спрашивать: что нам сегодня при- готовили повара? И вы сразу должны будете меня оставить одного.
Любовь зла. Не вришь - спроси у зоофила.