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Zip Express
Zip Express allows you to search by zip code, city, county, state or area code. As you type in search criteria, potential matches are displayed Preferences may be chosen on what data is to be displayed. Copy data to the clipboard or print it.
Vocabulary Stretch
Vocabulary Stretch helps build students vocabulary. The program teaches word recognition, meanings, and origin. Automatic scoring for teachers and tutors. Designed for students age 10 and up.
This slick organizer and PIM will keep track of your contacts, distribution lists, manage your schedule, remind about appointments and events, and keep your daily notes in order. It will also print labels, envelopes, letters, send emails and more.
Vocabulary Fitness
Vocabulary Fitness is a self-paced skill-building software program that helps students improve their vocabulary skills and provides teachers with measurable results.
The recycle bin does not capture deletions made over a network or even many deletions made on a workstation. Undelete will permanently solve this problem by filling in a critical gap in your data protection and make data recovery fast.
TrayNote Plus
NEW! TrayNote Plus: The Only Internet Enabled Sticky NotePad! With easy one-click access, this is the ideal "forget-not" utility!
Time Sled
This product is a time tracking utility. If you feel a need in calculation of your time that spent to different tasks then the Time Sled is for you.
Finally, an add-on for Word automates faxing using any fax program on the market. WordFax automates faxing and printing hard copies all within Word for Windows.
Programmator for Panasonic KX-TA308/616/624
Programmator is a programming tool for the Panasonic KX-TA308 / Panasonic
KX-TA616 / Panasonic KX-TA624 PBX (programming, management, and
administration). The built-in "installation help" can aid you to solve
many difficult problems.
Programmator for Panasonic KX-TD1232/816/308
Panasonic KX-TD1232/KX-TD816/KX-TD308 Programming Software for Windows. Easy understandable interface, full compatibility with any version of PBX firmware, built-in installer's help
Вакса чернит с пользою, а злой человек - с удовольствием. К. Прутков
Жена говорит мужу, возвращаясь из гостей: -- Мало того, что ты уснул, когда хозяйка пела оперную арию, так ты еще проснулся, когда она брала верхнее "си" и сказал: "Впустите собаку".
- Кстати, о посуде. У меня знакомый есть, так у него х.. в ведро не помещается.