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» Development Tools
» Programing
TOxygenSMS Component
TOxygenSMS component allows to send text, pictures, ringtones, CLI and Operator logos, read and delete SMS, receive messages. Calendar section gives you an opportunity to work with Nokia calendar. You're able to Read, Add, Update and Delete entries.
Mihov Active 800x600
Mihov Active 800x600 is a program for web and software developers. It helps you see how large a program or browser window would be if resized to a screen size of 800 x 600 pixels or any other size.
Если бы вы и впрямь думали так, вы бы так не говорили. И. Шварц
Он, как капитан с тонущего корабля, из гостей уходил по- следним.
Бригада строителей-монтажников ищет работу, бензин не предлагать