
В начало
» Development Tools
» Programming Tool
VxDWriter is a tool for developing Windows 95/98 device driver (VxD) entirely in C/C++. It includes VxDWizard, run-time library, VxD class library, VxD service wrapper library, sample VxDs, library source code, technical support through e-mail, etc.
EmPowered Programmer
A generic programming IDE to create Win32 executables. You can write complex Windows programs, you can debug , and all the while you will be in total control. Only what you decree happens, nothing goes on behind your back. A tiny download
AccBrowser Source Code
AccBrowser is an ActiveX Control which is used to browse your Financial Accounting Database. It offers you the Browsing capability and reporting similar to the Financial Accounting Software without implementing these software in totality.
Object Oriented Reporting Control for VB6.0
Data Reporting ActiveX for VB 6.0 - TanDB is an Award winning Object Oriented, General, and 'On-the-Fly' Reporting Tool. It helps create robust and flexible Reporting System. It is a RAD Tool for Reporting. It helps to Automate the Reporting in VB Database Applications.
AccBrowser is an ActiveX Control which is used to browse your Financial Accounting Database. It offers you the Browsing capability and reporting similar to the Financial Accounting Software without implementing these software in totality.
Не в совокупности ищи единства, но более - в единообразии разделения. К. Прутков
Петух вскочил на обеденный стол и увидел жареного пе- туха под соусом из белого вина. -- Теперь я вижу, что это правда! -- дрожащим голосом вос- кликнул он.-- Алкоголь действительно убивает.
- Чем отличается женщина от кукушки? -- Кукушка подкладывает свои яйца в чужие гнезда, а женщина - свое гнездо под чужие яйца.