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» Development Tools
» Project
SW Cost Estimation Program
Implements COCOMO 81 algorithms, with extensions, to generate software project effort, cost, and schedule estimates based on estimated program size and modified by development environment characteristics. Supports multiple projects.
Timeless Time & Expense Single-User
An easy to use detailed project based Time and Expense tracker. Includes detail, summary and invoice reports, To Do list, task timer and many user customizations.
Horizon Text & HTML Project Workshop
Horizon Text & HTML Workshop provides the tools you need to manage Text & HTML projects. Has Multiple Document Interface, word processor, HTML tag Auto-complete, re-wrap/re-format, quotes/taglines manager, personal note pad, and many other features.
Perl and PHP Development Environment with multi-file syntax-highlighting editor, Web utilities such as one-click FTP upload, execution to text or web-browser, auto form-filling, web server, MySQL integration, code templates, and multi-level backups.
Keep track of how much time you spend doing which project work. Build your own hierarchical project/account tree. Multiple users, projects, accounts. Credit cards accepted
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