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» Internet
» Proxy Servers
SP Dialer
Award winning 3 in 1 solution - advanced Internet dialer, time synchronizer and proxy server. It can redial multiple lines, restore broken connections, calculate online time, cost and traffic, launch and close programs, synchronize clock and so on.
ProxyInspector for WinRoute
Analyze log files of your WinRoute HTTP proxy & mail servers and produce comprehensive report on the corporate Internet connection usage. Reports include bandwidth consumed by each user, sites visited, incoming & outcoming mail etc.
Proxy-Pro Professional GateKeeper
Proxy-Pro Professional GateKeeper is the complete Internet Sharing solution for business and corporate use, allowing your company's network to access the Internet using a single Internet account, also providing a high level of security and control.
Proxy-Pro Family GateKeeper
Developed especially for home or small office use the software allows you to connect your entire network to the same Internet Connection thus giving you simultaneous access to Web browsing, online gaming, chat, downloading music, films and much more.
Proxy Workbench
Proxy Workbench is a unique proxy server ideal for developers, trainers and security experts that displays its data in real-time.
PPPshar Pro
PPPshar Pro is a proxy server that enables you to share a single Internet connection of any type (Dialup, DSL, Cable modem, or satellite connection) among several computers in your home or office network. Tiny and easy to use, runs in system tray.
PPPshar Lite
PPPshar Lite is a tiny web proxy that enables you to share a single Internet connection of any type (Dialup, ADSL, Cable modem, satellite connection) among several computers in a network. Extremely easy to setup and use and it is just 73KB in size.
Tired of banners?
Want to speedup your internet connection? Want to shorten money you have spend for internet? Want to see how much traffic and money you have spent for internet in real time? This program for YOU !
iNet Shaper
Internet connection sharing software. Based on software router with NAT, traffic shaping,VPN,user access accounting and restriction, detailed traffic statistics per user, remote administration, activity monitor, activity logs, authentication utility.
Etlin HTTP Proxy
Etlin HTTP Proxy Server for Windows that allows you to share a web connection. Multiple users on your local network can acess the web simultaneously by using the connected machine as their web proxy.
От убеждения в том, что это необходимо, они переходят к убеждению в том, что это возможно. Н. Винер
Последние русские цари: Владимир Самозванец, Иосиф Грозный Никита Блаженный и Леонид Летописец.
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