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Maze Creator PRO
Computer Aided Design of random mazes with solutions to be printed or exported (EMF, BMP, Clipboard). Mazes can be customized in shape, drawn-on, and number of starting and stopping points. A mask can be applied to help rapidly develop new designs.
Maze Creator HOME
Computer Aided Design of random mazes with solutions to be printed or exported (EMF, BMP, Clipboard). Mazes can be customized in shape, drawn-on, and number of starting and stopping points. A mask can be applied to help rapidly develop new designs.
Paradigm Lingua
Award-winning word processor and translator for English, Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, Efik, Kalabari, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swahili and a custom (user defined) language. Single-User and other Licensing Options are available.
Maze Creator STD
Computer Aided Design of random mazes with solutions to be printed or exported (EMF, BMP, Clipboard). Mazes can be customized in shape, drawn-on, and number of starting and stopping points. A mask can be applied to help rapidly develop new designs.
aGuitar Pro
aGUITAR PRO is the program for the player of the bass/guitar that wants to improve his musical skills in a short time.
It has Ear training exercises, a tab viewer/player, a tab manager, scales/chords generators, a virtual band, and a lot more.
FlipPublisher is an authoring tool for publishing magazines, novels, textbooks, catalogs, brochures, portfolios, manuals, and more as a FlipBook on the Web or on CDs for viewing on a PC.
В жизни бывают случаи, когда самой тонкой хитростью оказываются простота и откровенность. Ж. Лабрюйер
-- На прошлой неделе песчинка попала в глаз моей жене, и она должна была пойти к врачу. Этот визит стоил ей сорок долларов! -- Чепуха! На прошлой неделе на глаза моей жене попалось меховое пальто, и это стоило мне пять тысяч долларов!
Смотри в оба, Циклоп