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Portal Screens Headline News
Get the latest headline news on your desktop. See breaking stories from the most popular national and international news web sites. It is a screensaver, application, and desktop component. Subscribe to thousands of news channels.
Toolbar-making application that allows any person without programming experience to create own Explorer toolbars effortlessly. Features include auto-updating, scripting, comprehensive collection of IE objects (buttons, boxes, menus, etc.) and more
URLy Warning
Get notified instantly when a Web Page changes. And see exactly what's changed!
With URLy Warning, a pop-up window appears when a web page you're watching changes, and you'll see a visual comparison of what's been added and deleted.
Digital Indicators Package
Digital Indicators Package is a set of digital filters generated with the
help of a special program and having a complex impulse response.
1st Javascript Library
1st Javascript Library(Coocool Stupid Web Tricks Tool) lets your imagination run wild. You can create amazing homepage effects to spice up your web-site without any knowledge of Java or Javascript.
Online News Screensaver
Get the latest news delivered right to your computer screen with this cool screensaver tool. If you have a direct Internet access, the screensaver will keep bringing you the news reports continuously - sport, politics, entertainment and much more.
ABF Value Converter
ABF Value Converter is an application for measurement units conversion. This software easily converts various measurement values into any other possible ones. Inches to centimetres, pounds to kilograms, Fahrenheit to Celsius, and so on.
Как упражнять память, чтобы научится забывать? Ежи Лец
-- Дорогой, когда мы поженимся, я буду делить с тобой все твои беды и неприятности. -- Но у меня нет никаких неприятностей! -- Я же сказала -- когда поженимся. Обещаю -- они появятся.
Если чрезмерная увлеченность вашего ребенка компьютерными играми вызывает у вас беспокойство, постарайтесь приобщить его к более серьезным и здоровым занятиям: картам, вину, девочкам.