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» Utilities
» System Utilities
» Registry Tools
Registry Explorer
Makes editing your computer's settings easy!
After installing this software, your desktop will contain a new item named "Registry".
It enables you to explore your computer just like your file system, instead of using regedit.
Registry First Aid
Tired of Windows crashing? Sick of having software lock up on you or taking forever to load? The problem could be those incorrect registry entries caused by software installations and un-installations that went awry! Registry First Aid can fix that!
RegSpy is a windows registry utility that spies changes made by specified program.
RegSpy will help you to track all little changes in your system registry made by other programs.
With RegSpy, you can:
Quick make Snapshot and Rollback of registry
Multi-Remote Registry Change
The fastest, easiest and most complete remote Windows NT registry management tool available. With the ability to change tens of thousands of keys per minute, it can reduce the amount of time you spend doing registry maintenance from days to minutes
1 Click Fix It
1 Click Fix IT uses a high performance detection algorithm to quickly identify missing and invalid references in your Windows registry, thus saving your system resources and visibly increasing the performance of your PC.
Люди существуют друг для друга. Марк Аврелий
Брежнев в средней азии - салям алейкум! - кричат ему трудящиеся. - алейкум салям! - отвечает натасканный по такому случаю вождь. - салям алейкум! - кричат ему. - алейкум салям! - отвечает он. - архипелаг гулаг! - кричит подскочивший диссидент. - гулаг архипелаг! - отвечает Леонид Ильич.
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