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» Utilities
» Registry
Registry Healer
Registry cleanup tool. Speed-up your Windows® by cleaning and correction the registry! Registry Healer scans registry for invalid path references, fonts, help files, application paths, obsolete Start Menu items, invalid shared DLLs and more.
RegKey Backup
CT RegKey Backup is a handy utility for making backups of Registry keys and their sub keys. While it is not a Registry Editor it is an easy to use utility that restores keys that have been modified by programs or web sites.
SCIROCCO RegEdit Control
Make modifications to the Windows Registry Easy with this control. Just drop it on your form then use three Methods RegistryGet, RegistrySet and RegistryDelete to modify the Registry! Suitable for Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual Foxpro etc.
Uninstall Plus! 2004
Completely uninstall and remove any traces of the previous uninstalled, deleted programs. Scan identify and correct registry malfunctions. Have your registry backed up, restored and repaired automatically. Manage programs that start at boot.
A1Click Ultra PC Cleaner
Use Clean PC, Remove Tracks, or Do-it-yourself Setup to find internal clutter, hidden stores, junk files, and registry trash - 6 Bonus Cleaning Tools - uses A1Click Technology and No Remains Deletion - can run automatically at startup, keeps undo.
Access the Windows Registry with this ActiveX Control
Magic Registry
Magic Registry is a special Tweaking Tool designed to optimize and personalize Windows Me/9X
Совершенно очевидно одно - то, что я ненавижу простоту во всех ее формах. С. Дали
-- Сегодня молодежь испытывает все больший страх перед браком... -- И правильно делает! Я до брака вообще не знал, что такое страх!
Если кто-то из гостей опрокинул себе на брюки вашу жену... (из книги о правилах хорошего тона).