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» Reminder
Victoria Woman Calendar
Calendar, diary, reminder and keeps track of women menstrual cycle. The Calendar predicts the future menstrual cycles and ovulation periods , and it make possible for you to plan important events, vacation, travel, wedding and intercourse.
TimeLeft is a countdown, reminder, clock, stopwatch, timer, sticker and time synchronization utility. TimeLeft uses Winamp skins, it's attractive, easy to use and highly configurable. Watching seconds ticking away makes some glad event so much closer
Klick-N-View Reminders
Klick-N-View Reminders is a simple, flexible tool you can use at home or in the office to remind yourself of reoccurring and one-time events. Additional features include a printable To Do list and desktop Sticky Notes with alarm.
Peter's Ultimate Alarm Clock
Puac is an alarm clock program, which sits in the system tray and lets you sound as many alarms as you like. Options include periodical alarms, snoozing, showing an alarm message, speaking an alarm message, opening files, programs, urls and sounds.
Lexa Organizer
Lexa Organizer is an effective task manager software to help you organize your life and work.
Birthday Keeper
Never forget another birthday or anniversary again! Birthday Keeper will remind you of upcoming birthdays and anniversaries.
Create multiple alarms that repeat at simple to complex intervals. An alarm can remind you of events, visit web sites, send e-mail, play sounds, or run applications. A well-designed interface makes Alarm++ flexible and easy-to-use.
Countdown Clock
This useful utility allows you to count down time with an alarm. It's great when needing a countdown timer to be reminded of a specific event such as checking the roast cooking in the oven, checking the water level when filling your hot tub.
Countdown! takes up to 100 dates in the past or future and calculates the number of years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Also the total number of hours, minutes, seconds and weekends are displayed.
Biromsoft To Do List
Do you know anyone who succeeded in this world without getting organized? Not too many people right? We have a solution for you. Biromsoft To-Do List is an effective task manager which helps you organize your personal life and work.
Если человек говорит правильные слова, это вовсе не значит, что он их понимает. Авессалом Подводный
Рабиновича исключили из партии. Ему приснился сон: Израил объявил войну Советскому Союзу и победил. Моше Даян стоит на три- буне Мавзолея, а перед ним проходит демонстрация советских евре- ев. Они скандируют: - восстановите Рабиновича! Восстановите Рабиновича!
Чем бы ты ни закусывал, блевать все равно винегретом будешь.