
В начало
» Utilities
» Remote Administration
SpyAnywhere provides the power to remotely control computer's with SpyAnywhere installed - all from your favorite web-browser! SpyAnywhere allows many powerful controls for remote control, and also allows you to remotely monitor/spy other computers.
A Text Menu system that provides a customizable “console mode” windowing menu interface. Used via telnet as a remote menu to run configuration batch files, read logs etc. Creates menus for console mode programs. Remotely add NT passwords and groups.
Telnet Server for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003
The product turns a Windows NT/2000/XP system into a multi-user Telnet server. Gives Telnet users full access to Windows NT command line. Accepts any telnet connection from any client (Unix, NT, 2000, 95, 98, Me, etc.) right out of the box.
NETObserve allows you to remotely gain total control of you PC by connecting to it through a web browser! Features include transferring/browsing files, editing registry keys, system moderating and administration, realtime PC monitoring, and more!
Multi-Remote Shutdown Manager
Multi-Remote Shutdown Manager is an easy and screamingly fast way to shutdown the computers you administer. It is designed for network administrators working with groups of systems. Did we mention it is FAST?
Из всех плодов наилучшие приносит хорошее воспитание. К. Прутков
На знаменитый горный курорт приехал миллионер. Ди- ректор отеля, низко кланяясь, говорит ему: -- К сожалению, сэр, в горах сейчас мало снега. Я просто в отчаянии. -- Не волнуйтесь,-- отвечает миллионер.-- Снег следует с моим багажом.
Убожественный Фильм.