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» Business
» Research
A complete software system for building and then administering surveys and exams then analyzing their results. Use it to create and conduct exams or surveys over the web, over the phone or with a printed questionnaire form.
The Patentstein Browser
A must for innovators and patent info pros, the Patentstein Browser provides powerful tools to efficiently collect, collaborate on and manage online patent information, thereby increasing a company's return on its intellectual property investment.
Automatically searches hundreds of search engines. Searches multiple web-sites and each web page within them. Uses many specific and unique search engines and index's not found on larger search engines and sites.
Cartagio Pro
A must for all business applications where internet research costs money, Cartagio Pro provides powerful tools to efficiently collect, collaborate on and manage web information. A full featured web browser for power users and business professionals.
Мы считаем здравомыслящими лишь тех людей, которые во всем с нами согласны. Ф. Ларошфуко
- почему в хлеб стали добавлять горох - чтобы войти в коммунизм с треском.
Нужно сразу брать три, чтобы потом не бегать за второй!