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Pilot Group Affiliate Program
Ready Affiliate Network Solution for your online bussiness. Included: chat, forum, galleries, different modes of membership and many other options. Online demonstration. 24 sites are already based on this solution.
Ready Dating Site
Ready Dating Site Solution. Design can be easily customized. Included: chat, forum, galleries, different modes of membership and many other options. Online demonstration. 24 sites are already based on this solution.
ASPRunner creates set of ASP pages to access and modify Oracle, SQL Server, MS Access , DB2, MySQL, FileMaker database or any other ODBC datasource. Using generated ASP pages users can search, edit, delete and add data into database.
ActiveComport Serial Port Toolkit
Serial port toolkit to enable applications or scripts to communicate with a modem or other serial port device. Features full com port control, binary and ASCII data transfer, support for RS 232 and RS 485 standards and ISDN modem support.
ActiveEmail SMTP E-mail Toolkit
ActiveEmail provides an easy-to-use programming interface to SMTP e-mail and NNTP news communications;
Use it to send messages automatically, or in batches, from applications, web servers, or from the command-line.
ActiveSocket Network Communication Toolkit
Toolkit to enhance your applications or scripts with client/server network socket communication, client telnet sessions, SNMP, wake up on lan (Wake On Lan, WOL), RSH (remote shell script)capabilities and more.
Clicks Counter: Download Counter
Clicks Counter is a program that will keep track of all hits and clicks on any links of your Web pages. It can be used on any amount of pages simultaneously, includes an online viewer, to view the log fie online. FREE installation included.
Created to help you streamline your programming and site administration tasks, Envirolyzer automatically analyzes your server and client environments including paths to Perl, Qmail and Sendmail and returns an easy-to-read report in your web browser.
iTree Pro-XQ Powertree
Java tree menu, drag 'n' drop, tabs, extreme scalability. User-definable icons. True-type fonts. Stacking tab rows. Line-wrapping. Preview screen. Search facility. Runtime editors. API.
Script triggers. Multiple scrolling logics. Checkbox items.
Остроумие - как талант: лучше не иметь его вовсе, чем иметь недостаточно. Соммери
Однажды Эпенди спросили: -- Молла-ага, когда покойника несут на кладбище, где лучше идти -- впереди или сзади гроба? -- Только не в нем,-- ответил Эпенди.
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