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WordPipe Search Replace
Apply multiple Unicode search and replaces to multiple MS Word documents in one pass. Find and replace (or search only) inside hyperlinks, headers, footers, text boxes, shapes, document properties, field codes and more! Handles passwords too!
Reggie Pro
Find out about free and expiring domain names easily
Google search engine ranking helps you find popular expired domain names
Includes 10 dictionaries (almost a million words with support for extended characters)
Multithreaded=many times faster
SearchWin is a Fast Windows Find File Utility that adds Multi-Term 'Search Engine' capability to the Windows File System. It provides greater power and flexibility than Windows native Find File Utility without the overhead of a database.
STG FolderPrint Plus
Print and visualize your folders. Find out where your HD space went! You can filter to include only the files you want and customize both display and printed output to your taste. Lists can include MP3 and ZIP information.
the seeker
The worlds FIRST and BEST Web productivity application for Windows. Search multiple search engines, Movies, Weather, Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, send FREE SMS messages, shop Amazon.com, and check Stocks all from ONE application!
Turbo-Sniper SE
All-in-one eBay bid manager with sniper (standalone + offline, multi account, bid groups). Saves time and money for bidders and sellers. Bulk data interface with Excel, Outlook, XML. Quick auction import from browser or from table/text.
Unique web search tool that helps you to narrow search engine and metasearch searches by listing keywords and phrases extracted from the web sites returned by a search. You can then repeat the search using any listed keywords you think are relevant.
HotBlox Toolbar
Search from anywhere on the web! Pop-Up blocker, weather, movies, google, alltheweb, groups,
find my IP address, page rank, and more! 100% Freeware! No SPYWARE!
eSearch for eBay
Finds rare and bargain eBay auction items!
Enter search information ONCE and then monitor eBay as often as you like! Search for hundreds of rare items or bargains in seconds and never miss that once in a lifetime deal again!
Ace IntraSearch
Ace IntraSearch is the tool for search of files in your local network as well as on a single computer. You can find any necessary files like multimedia files, Microsoft Office documents and others in your local network without any tiresome actions.
Слабеющая память подобна потухающему светильнику. К. Прутков
Женщина в брачной конторе объясняет, какого бы мужа хотелось ей иметь: -- Он должен быть вежливым, иметь разносторонние инте- ресы, любить животных, рассказывать мне всякие забавные исто- рии, сообщать о событиях в мире и никогда меня не перебивать. -- В таком случае вам нужен не муж, а телевизор.
Что будет после Страшного Суда? Как обычно - реабилитация!