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» Utilities
» Security Applications
SCP Cool Notes
Cool Notes is a program that anyone can use. Cool Notes sits conveniently in your system tray if you minimize it.You can store any text based information that you would like and even add pictures and export to PDF format.
Remote Keylogger
Record every keystroke in a computer and send it to you via email. The log-file includes the title of the application that typed in and the date and time while typing.
EldoS KeyLord
EldoS KeyLord lets you arrange confidential information (passwords, account numbers, software registration keys etc.) in a tree, print it and store it in secure encrypted file. Integration with Internet Explorer makes access to web sites easier.
EldoS KeyLord for PocketPC
EldoS KeyLord lets you arrange confidential information (passwords, account numbers, software registration keys etc.) in a tree, print it and store it in secure encrypted file. You can store any data including files inside of the tree structure.
Соперничество - пища для гения. Ф. Вольтер
"Продам дешево рыболовецкие снасти и рыбацкую одеж- ду. Телефон: 545-31. В случае, если трубку возьмет мужчина, сле- дует сказать: "Ошибка".