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» Security Privacy
SpyBuddy is a powerful monitoring and surveillance suite for PC's. SpyBuddy will record all PC and Internet browsing habits for you to review at a later date and time. Perfect for monitoring spouses and children!
Keylogger Pro
Keylogger Pro is a highly advanced, low level keystroke logging application that allows you record ALL keystrokes typed (passwords, chat conversations, e-mails, etc) on your PC in total secrecy.
ChatBlocker is a desktop parental control application for moderating and restricting chat conversations! With ChatBlocker, you can easily setup time slots in which you wish to allow or disallow chat conversations.
NETObserve allows you to remotely gain total control of you PC by connecting to it through a web browser! Features include transferring/browsing files, editing registry keys, system moderating and administration, realtime PC monitoring, and more!
Есть люди, которые всю свою жизнь не могут отвыкнуть от своей молодости. Неизв.
-- Вашему анекдоту как минимум лет пятьдесят, мадам! -- Поздравляю, мадемуазель, какая у вас потрясающая память!
Береженого бог бережет, а небереженого конвой стережет. прапорщик Нечипоренко