
В начало
» Utilities
» Security Programs
Password protection for Windows. Sentry prevents unauthorized users from accessing Windows 95/98. Think of Sentry as a personal guard or gatekeeper standing beside your PC, asking users for a password before they are allowed access to Windows 95/98.
Love You Not
Love You Not! will intercept any request to execute all scripting file types used in email virus attacks. These include: Visual Basic scripts (.VBS, .VBE, .VB), Javascript (.JS, .JSE), Scrap objects (.SHS, .SHB), HTML application files (.HTA).
Password Guardian
Password Guardian is handy software database that stores all of your passwords into a single, convenient file. Password information can be stored, edited and printed easily.
Лучше заслужить почет и не иметь его, нежели иметь его, не заслужив. Марк Твен
-- Да-а-а! Что ни говорите, друзья, а любые, даже самые кра- сивые и узаконенные правила всегда скучны. Интересными бывают только... исключения.
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