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» Security Tools
Softtanks Security Software
You can Start the security system whenever you leave your computer.
В· It will not allow others to view your data and update them in your absence.
В· It will stop viruses comming from other people when you are away
#1 Smart Protector - Internet Eraser
Erase history, cache (temporary Internet files), recycle bins, cookies, typed URLs, auto-complete addresses.
Using Save/Restore State capability you are able to leave the computer in exactly the same state as it was.
WatchDog limits, protects and monitors what your users do on the computer. Limit time spent on the computer, and restrict what they can do. Block websites. Monitor applications, chatrooms and emails. Record what they type and take screen shots
Quick Keylogger
Quick Keylogger - Perfect Invisible Family Keystroke Logger for PC surveillance! Quick Keylogger is extremely compact, easy-to-use, very simple and small still being award-winning tool. It works in the absolutely stealth mode, completely undetectable
WideStep Quick Keylogger
WideStep Quick Keylogger - Really The Best Covert Surveillance Keystroke Logger! Quick Keylogger's keyboard monitoring engine will record absolutely all keystrokes typed on your computer. All buttons' combinations, letters, words, numbers, syskeys...
PrivacyWatcher is the program for cleaning up the history of your activities on a computer and protecting it from the unauthorized access. It cleans up tracks of Internet Explorer, Windows, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, MS Office and more.
Win Spy Software Pro
Win Spy Software 8.2 Pro is a Complete Stealth Monitoring Software that can both monitor your Local PC and Remote PC. Win Spy Software also includes Remote Install. Win Spy Software will capture anything the user sees or types on the keyboard.
X-NetStat displays information on your Internet and / or network connections in realtime. Details of each connection are shown in a list called the connection table, including remote hostnames and IP addresses, ports used, status, age, and program.
Principal AntiVirus
Principal AntiVirus protects your computer against viruses, spyware, trojans, worms, backdoors, adware and other malware. It does not use signature scanners, requires no regular updates and protects against both future as well as current malware.
Во Франции не трогают поджигателей, но преследуют тех, кто, завидев пожар, бьет в набат. Н. Шамфор
У входа в синагогу табличка: "Войти сюда с непокрытой головой -- такой же грех, как прелюбодеяние". Ниже дописано: "Я пробовал то и другое -- разница ко- лоссальная!"
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