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» Utilities
» Security Utilities
Windows Security Officer
Windows Security Officer enables you to protect and totally control access to your personal computer. It offers administrative support for controlling which users are allowed to access your computer and the level of access each user may have.
Archive Event Logs from multiple computers to a central database. Monitor for changes to files, the registry, users, groups, services, security policies, and more. Restore files and the registry from snapshots. User account auditing and analysis.
System Shield
Fight identity theft! Anything you've ever installed, used, or viewed on your PC STILL exists, EVEN if you delete or format your drive! Thieves can steal credit cards and other private data using simple tools. Use System Shield to protect yourself!
SecureIT Encryption Software
SecureIT- encrypt, compress and shred any file or folder on any Windows PC with its 448 Bit Blowfish encryption. Shred any file or folder. Send Secure e-mail. Full command line Support. Zero learning curve.
SCP Cool Notes
Cool Notes is a program that anyone can use. Cool Notes sits conveniently in your system tray if you minimize it.You can store any text based information that you would like and even add pictures and export to PDF format.
CryptoExpert 2004 PE
CryptoExpert mounts a volume file to create a "virtual drive" that appears to applications and users like any other physical drive. Any data that the user attempts to write to this drive is intercepted by CryptoExpert, encrypted, and written to file.
BlazingTools Perfect Keylogger Lite
Do you want to know what your buddy or colleague is typing? Or perhaps you want to control your family members - what are they doing on your computer? With Perfect Keylogger you can do so in 2 minutes!
1st Files Privacy Tool
1st Files Privacy Tool can help you keep your files protected. You can choose who gets access to what files on your computer. This program provides three levels of protection to suit any user : 'Hidden', 'Read Only', 'Full Control'.
1st Security Center Pro
1st Security Center is a security utility that allows you to restrict access to Windows important resources. This utility helps you to keep your computer in order. It enables you to impose a variety of access restrictions to protect your privacy.
Event Log Janitor
Event Log Janitor Emails Event Logs at predefined Intervals (in hours) that you specify and you can optionally clear them. Supported logs: APPLICATION, SECURITY, SYSTEM, DIRECTORY SERVICE, FILE REPLICATION SERVICE, and DNS Server. Simple to use.
Не бойся совершенства, тебе его не достичь никогда. С. Дали
Две девушки на дороге к лиману встретили большую ля- гушку, прыгнувшую к ногам одной из них и вдруг заговорившую: -- Если ты меня поцелуешь, я превращусь в "Мисс Одессу"... Девушка, схватив лягушку, тотчас же сунула ее в сумку. -- Почему ты ее не поцеловала? -- удивленно спросила под- руга.-- Это же так интересно. -- Таких мисс сейчас очень много. А вот говорящая лягуш- ка -- это такая редкость!
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